Up to 34% Off 18-Holes of Golf, Cart Rental, and a $14 Food Voucher at Soldier Hollow Golf Course - Midway (SOLD OUT)

Soldier Hollow Golf Course


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The Fine Print

May purchase 2 for yourself and 2 additional as gifts. May redeem 1 per visit. Only valid after 1 pm everyday. Course may close early due to weather. Call ahead for availability. Must use entire value in 1 visit. Food voucher not valid for delivery. The $31 option excludes a cart rental. Valid through: Dec 1, 2014. See the terms that apply to all deals.

Two Options Available

    • $31 for 18 Holes of Golf for One and a $14 Food Voucher to Soldier Hollow Grill ($47 Value)
    • $45 for 18 Holes of Golf for One with a Cart and $14 Food Voucher to Soldier Hollow Grill ($61 Value)

Courses offer stunning views of the Heber Valley and Mount Timpanogos. Choose between the tamer, flatter Silver Course or the rugged Gold Course. Afterwards, unwind at the Soldier Hollow Grill, a full-service restaurant specializing in freshly made hamburgers and fries.

How to Redeem

    1. Print your voucher (log into your account and click "My Printable Deals")
    2. Call Soldier Hollow Golf Course to schedule a tee time (435-654-7442)
    3. Present printed voucher at Soldier Hollow Golf Course at tee time

Soldier Hollow Golf Course offers a championship, 36-hole complex built on the mountainside above Midway. A part of gorgeous Wasatch Mountain State Park, Soldier Hollow was a major venue during the 2002 Winter Olympics. Two 18-hole courses named the Gold and Silver courses offer challenging play and amazing views of the Heber Valley.