$20 for 2 Entries to The Invasion Run 5K ($56 Value) - Provo

The Invasion Run


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The Fine Print

May buy any quantity. May redeem any quantity for groups. Online registration required. Enter your voucher number in the "promo code" field during online registration. Must sign waiver online. Children under 6 years of age are free. Registration closes on September 4 at 11:59 pm. Valid through: Sep 4, 2013. See the terms that apply to all deals.

What's Included

    • $20 for 2 Entries to The Invasion Run ($56 Value)

The Invasion Run is a 5K, alien themed, night race that will be held on September 6, 2013. The race starts at 8:00 PM at McCoard's Mystery Corn Maze. Participants will race through crop circles, Area 51, the slime dump, and the Alien Mothership. Everyone will receive glow sticks in their race packet! Visit www.InvasionRun.com for more information.

How to Redeem

    1. Find your voucher (log into your account and click "My Printable Deals")
    2. You don't need to print the voucher; just find your 8-digit Voucher #
    3. Go to www.RaceEntry.com/Registration.php?race_id=252
    4. Fill out registration forms for 2 people
    5. Enter your voucher number into the "promo code" field
    6. Click "Validate" to remove the processing fee
    7. Click "Register" and you're done!
    8. Pick up your race packets at McCoard's Mystery Corn Maze on September 6 between 3:00 PM and 6:30 PM

The Invasion Run 5K is a charity event hosted by Rising Star Outreach. This non-profit organization brings hope and dignity to children and families afflicted by leprosy in Southern India. Click here to learn more about Rising Star Outreach.