The Fine Print
May buy 1 for yourself and unlimited as gifts. Limit 1 per person per visit. All services must be used by same customer. All laser hair-removal treatments must be used on the same body area. May be used over multiple visits. Appointments required and subject to availability. Merchant cancellation/re-scheduling policy of 24 hours applies; voucher subject to forfeiture.
Expires 4 months after purchase. See the terms that apply to all deals.
What's Included
- $60 for 3 Laser Hair Removal Treatments on 1 Small Area ($300 Value)
Small areas include: lips, chin, eyebrows, toes, fingers, underarm, basic bikini line, small abdominal line, back of neck, or front of neck. Call The Rose Clinic (801-375-7673) to learn more about what each treatment includes.
How to Redeem
- Print your voucher (log into your account and click "My Printable Deals")
- Present printed voucher at The Rose Clinic