$10 for $20 at Kohinoor - Orem



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The Fine Print

May buy 2 for yourself. May redeem 1 per visit. Must use entire value in 1 visit. Not valid for lunch specials. Expires 6 months after purchase. See the terms that apply to all deals.

What's Included

    • $10 for $20 Worth of Food & Drinks

Kohinoor specializes in delicious, healthy Indian cuisine. Enjoy an authentic Indian meal with the tranquil sounds of the running fountain, melodic Indian music and the exotic aroma of quality cuisine. If you love curry or are looking to bring some excitement to your next meal, you will not be disappointed in the selection Kohinoor has to offer. Click here to view the menu.

How to Redeem

    1. Print your voucher (log into your account and click "My Printable Deals")
    2. Present printed voucher at Kohinoor

India is a land of wonderful tastes and spices, with a complex, colorful culture that loves flavor and is not shy on presentation. Come visit Kohinoor and experience the full pleasure of Indian cuisine. They invite you to join them soon to taste of some of the same wonderful and complex flavors Indian cuisine is known and loved for. What many have claimed is, Kohinoor is the best Indian cuisine in Utah Valley.

Business Hours

Monday - Friday: 11:00 am - 2:30 pm

Monday - Friday: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 noon - 10:00 pm